Increase your ROI and stop wasted ad spend.

As the FX and CFD market begins reaching a point of maturity, brokers are finding it not only fiercely competitive in established markets, such as Europe and Australia, but also an unquantifiable endeavor when looking to enter new markets, such as South East Asia.

It is for this reason that FWP Network has partnered with, what we believe to be, one of the best, if not the best, niche media agency in the global FX and CFD market place.

For the past 20 years, they have worked with leading brokers and banks getting their message across to prospective clients, in a simple and engaging way.

Unlike traditional, non-financial markets focused, agencies, they truly understand the financial sales process, and how to support this through multi-channel branding and lead generation.

As a data driven agency, the service is based on research from outset, as well as during detailed campaigns.

On a macro level, they are able to leverage their 20 year experience to offer not only unique insights, but also ensure that costly lessons of testing new channels and entering new markets are avoided. This experience ultimately allows you to focus precious and limited resources into positive ROI channels, propelling your business forward.

From search engine optimization, development, marketing automation, and design, they are able to not only work alongside internal marketing departments but also act as fully outsourced marketing divisions where needed.